Exploring Gov. DeSantis’ Track Record: A Potential Presidential Contender?

As Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis has gained national attention for his conservative policies and vocal support of former President Donald Trump. With rumors swirling that DeSantis may be considering a run for president in 2024, many are wondering what his track record as governor can tell us about his potential as a presidential candidate. In this post, we’ll take a deep dive into Gov. DeSantis’ achievements and failures in Florida, examining how they might translate to a potential presidency.


One of Gov. DeSantis’ key achievements in Florida has been his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. While some have criticized his approach as overly lax, DeSantis has pushed back against lockdowns and school closures, instead focusing on targeted measures like protecting nursing homes and rolling out vaccines quickly. As a result, Florida has avoided some of the worst consequences of the pandemic, such as high unemployment rates and mass business closures. This may bode well for DeSantis as a potential presidential candidate, as many Americans are looking for leaders who prioritize individual freedom and economic recovery over heavy-handed government intervention.

DeSantis has also been an advocate for conservative policies like school choice and tax cuts. He signed a bill in 2019 that expanded school voucher programs, allowing more students to attend private schools at the state’s expense. He has also pushed for tax cuts that benefit businesses and homeowners. These policies align with traditional Republican values, and may appeal to voters who prioritize fiscal conservatism and individual liberty.


Despite his achievements, Gov. DeSantis has faced criticism for some of his policy decisions. One of the most controversial has been his handling of environmental issues. DeSantis has been criticized for rolling back environmental protections, appointing industry insiders to key positions, and failing to address issues like climate change and pollution. This may not sit well with voters who prioritize environmental issues, particularly younger voters who are increasingly concerned about the impacts of climate change.

Another area of concern for Gov. DeSantis has been his approach to voting rights. He has signed several bills that critics say make it harder for people to vote, including restrictions on mail-in voting and limits on drop boxes. This has drawn criticism from civil rights groups and Democrats, who argue that these measures disproportionately affect minority and low-income voters. If he were to run for president, DeSantis may face pushback from voters who prioritize voting rights and access.


Gov. DeSantis‘ track record as governor of Florida offers both strengths and weaknesses as a potential presidential contender. His approach to the COVID-19 pandemic may appeal to voters who prioritize individual freedom and economic recovery, while his conservative policies on issues like school choice and tax cuts align with traditional Republican values. However, his handling of environmental issues and voting rights may be viewed as weaknesses by some voters. Ultimately, it remains to be seen whether Gov. DeSantis will throw his hat into the presidential ring in 2024, but his record in Florida offers a starting point for evaluating his potential as a candidate.

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